The Creative Christian Blog

The day the world changed

Today is the twelfth anniversary of September 11, the day the twin towers fell to brazen terrorism. In the slack-jawed days that followed I remember hearing what seemed to be a nearsighted, arrogant claim: "The world just changed." Sigh. Here go the ethnocentric...

My Fairy Tale Marriage

Today is my twentieth wedding anniversary and I'm proud to say Shauna and I have a fairy tale marriage. Between you and me, I think people who claim the proverbial "fairy tale marriage" doesn't exist don't know what fairy tales are. Because in fairy tales, great...

Why I love Geeks

I love geeks. True geeks, that is. Since re-booting this blog to create a space where geeks and faith unite, I've met some amazing people. I love geeks because they embody three powerful qualities: 1. I love geeks because they live with eyes wide open. Geeks love...

This is me, reporting for duty.

I haven't written in awhile. That's partly because I haven't had much geekish inspiration, even after watching Elysium and Pacific Rim this summer. Good films, I enjoyed them. Especially Pacific Rim. But my heart never latched on to any writable themes. So there you...

Where Geeks and Faith Unite

Are you a Christ-follower AND a Geek? This is the official blog of Geek Faith Tribe, the elusive sweet spot "Where Geeks and Faith Unite." This blog is for Star Wars fans, Trekkies, Whovians, Browncoats, movie geeks and hero lovers. It's for comic collectors, Lost...

My favorite video games of all time

Video games were born when I was a kid and we've kinda grown up together. I think we're both still kids inside, but that's another blog post for another day. First, my credentials: I owned Pong. End of story. Your argument is invalid. I also had a Vic 20, and soon...

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