by bradhuebert | Mar 7, 2020 | conflict, creativity, identity, Intimacy with God, spiritual growth, struggles
We’re under attack. Even if the scriptures weren’t crystal clear about this fact (which they are, see Ephesians 6:10-18), our own lives are full of enough evidence to write entire books about our battles. As a pastor—someone attempting to lead some kind of...
by bradhuebert | Oct 31, 2019 | creativity, Faith, Presence of God, Uncategorized
I believe curiosity is a powerful key to personal and spiritual growth. Curiosity is a humble posture that sees the unknown as a frontier awaiting our arrival. Creativity prepares us to explore, to create, and most importantly, to learn. It is by nature playful and...
by bradhuebert | Mar 11, 2019 | Books, Brad Huebert, creativity, theology, Uncategorized, writing
There are many powerful ways we can learn about God—like reading scripture, praying to him, listening to his voice, engaging in worship, and serving others. I’d like to add a surprising entry to that list: the writing of fiction. For example: The Creative...
by bradhuebert | Oct 2, 2018 | Books, Brad Huebert, creativity, sci-fi, technology, Uncategorized, writing
I’m a full-time church planter. What does that mean? It means I’m a spiritual entrepreneur living the startup life. My hours are as irregular as a senior’s bowels. I’m a visionary with my head in the clouds, forced to march my life along the...
by bradhuebert | Aug 22, 2013 | creativity
I haven’t written in awhile. That’s partly because I haven’t had much geekish inspiration, even after watching Elysium and Pacific Rim this summer. Good films, I enjoyed them. Especially Pacific Rim. But my heart never latched on to any writable...
by bradhuebert | Jul 18, 2013 | creativity, Faith, Intimacy with God, Presence of God, Uncategorized, worship
This morning I was reminded of a captivating quote from Ken Gire, author of “Windows of the Soul.” We reach for God in many ways. Through our sculptures and our scriptures. Through our pictures and our prayers. Through our writing and our worship. And through them He...