What Christian Geeks Know

Above all people, Christian geeks know: Mystery hides in plain sight. Christian geeks know: Call boxes can be time travel machines. Wardrobes can be gateways into other worlds. Frogs can be captive princes. Grumpy old men can be exiled Jedi warriors. Math teachers can...

Doctor Who, your story, and God’s story

Last week I asked my Whovian friends why they like Doctor Who. They said it Doctor Who was a great sci-fi drama, that they could happily watch it with their kids, that they saw traits in the Doctor that reminded them of God. They also said they loved the writing, that...

Whovians: Why do you love Doctor Who?

Doctor Who has risen to legendary status in the Huebert home. All three kiddos love watching now. I suppose that means four out of five of us are Whovian. But with The Day of the Doctor looming tomorrow, I simply want to ask: Why the Doctor? Personally, I love the...