Understanding Anxiety

Burnout and anxiety I burned myself out as a church-planter. It took me about eight years, give or take, and by the end I was a smouldering husk of what God intended me to be. Burnout isn’t just a loss of energy and passion. It breaks you, deep inside. And for...

How to grow in faith: A powerful prayer

I have good news. Sometimes we think of faith as something static: Either we have it, or we don’t. When we hear about God’s promises, we might think, “I wish I could believe that,” as though our current level of faith is unchangeable. The truth...

The ‘Presence Prayer’

One of my greatest passions in life is learning to live fully aware of the presence of God in my life. How about you? A couple years ago, the Holy Spirit taught me what I call ‘the Presence Prayer,’ which is designed to awaken us to the presence of God in...

My thoughts on the Asbury Revival

The Asbury revival On February 8th, 2023, a routine chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky… kept going. As I understand it, something like 30 students remained in the auditorium to pray. Without flashiness, without formal leadership, without...