by bradhuebert | Mar 11, 2019 | Books, Brad Huebert, creativity, theology, Uncategorized, writing
There are many powerful ways we can learn about God—like reading scripture, praying to him, listening to his voice, engaging in worship, and serving others. I’d like to add a surprising entry to that list: the writing of fiction. For example: The Creative...
by bradhuebert | Oct 2, 2018 | Books, Brad Huebert, creativity, sci-fi, technology, Uncategorized, writing
I’m a full-time church planter. What does that mean? It means I’m a spiritual entrepreneur living the startup life. My hours are as irregular as a senior’s bowels. I’m a visionary with my head in the clouds, forced to march my life along the...
by bradhuebert | Mar 31, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God
The response to my new book, Go With The Flow, has been incredible to say the least. I set out to write a book that teaches people how to grow an awesome quiet time with God. This is what people have been saying: “This book offers a different and liberating way...
by bradhuebert | Mar 5, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized
I couldn’t believe my eyes, but there it was—Google’s keyword search spat out the results to my query and it sat there, naked, unblinking. Forty. Just forty people per month in the entire United States and Canada—combined—were searching for the answer I...
by bradhuebert | Feb 24, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized
On February 10th I released my latest ebook, “Go With the Flow: A Non-Religious Approach To Your Daily Time With God.” I truly believe this little book has the power to transform your walk with God from stale to epic. I say that because that’s what...
by bradhuebert | Feb 17, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, prayer
I’ve been a pastor for more than twenty years, which means I know a lot of dirty little secrets. One of the big kahunas? Most Christians don’t spend regular time with God. Some call them daily devotions, or their quiet time, or maybe God time—but the...