The Creative Christian Blog

A hidden key to experiencing more of God’s presence
Do you want to experience God's presence more tangibly in your life? Me too. Our most holy and necessary addiction is for manifestations of God's glory, and nothing but his presence will do the trick. Let me share a game-changing thought: When the biblical writers...
How To Start a Life-Changing Prayer Journal
So… you’re tired of spinning your wheels, going around in circles, not making progress in your spiritual life? In this post I’m going to show you how God can use your prayer journal to break you out of ruts and take you places you’ve never been.
A Game-Changing Tool That Will Take Your Spiritual Growth to the Next Level This Coming Year
It's New Years' Resolution time. If you're anything like me, you want to grow as a person this coming year. You desperately want to go deeper with God, go higher in faith, and go wider with your impact for his kingdom. You long to be a better friend, a better spouse,...
Fiction comes to life
I'm a full-time church planter. What does that mean? It means I'm a spiritual entrepreneur living the startup life. My hours are as irregular as a senior's bowels. I'm a visionary with my head in the clouds, forced to march my life along the asphalt of...
25 marriage truth-bombs from 25 years of marriage
My wife Shauna and I got married twenty-five years ago today. That's a quarter of a freaking century. Our marriage has weathered predictable ups and downs like any other marriage. But our marriage is not just like any other marriage. We're pretty used to people...
What God’s Love Wants
God has been teaching me so much about his love. "For God so loved the world, that he gave..." "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." A few weeks ago, as I was thinking about this, he spoke these words into my mind: "My love wants to go where it isn't."...
I Corinthians 13: How I got “the love chapter” totally wrong, and you probably do too
If you grew up in church, you know I Corinthians 13 all too well. It’s the famous “love chapter” preached as Hallmark Card marriage advice at one of every two church weddings in human history. The first three verses go like this: "If I speak in the tongues of men or...

What Michael Hyatt and the NSA are teaching me about Platform
Last week Platform guru Michael Hyatt blinked at his computer screen in blood-draining disbelief. The National Speaker’s Association (NSA) had just announced a major re-branding effort, apparently the grand climactic result of “a great deal of research, planning and...

I’m a User… and a Believer. You?
There are two kinds of people filling our churches. Both think they're faithful Christians. The User believes God exists for them. They don't say that, of course, but when it comes right down to it, his purpose (and his ultimate use in their lives) stems from his...

Get ‘Go With The Flow’ before the price goes up!
The response I've received from readers of my new book, 'Go With The Flow,' has been incredible. Boy, do I love hearing that what I've written is making a difference in people's lives! I found myself highlighting sentences and paragraphs because I needed to refer back...