The Creative Christian Blog
Why you should read Blah Blah Blah by Dan Roam
Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don't Work is a fantastic book. I picked it up because I love to draw. No, that's not right. I picked it up because I'm wired visually. That's better. But not quite it either. I picked it up because I'm a preacher and sometimes...
Geeks Know Teamwork
Geeks know stuff. Geeks know Courage, Know Living for a Cause, and Know Their Enemy. We know That mentors matter. We Geeks also know, or ought to know better than most, that teamwork is the pathway to victory. Now, it's true that we've seen our share of Rambo moments...
Geeks know: mentors matter
Geeks know. Last week we explored how Geeks know Courage, Know Living for a Cause, and Know Their Enemy. Those are all personal. This week we'll be exploring three other things geeks know, and they'll be social: Geeks know mentors matter, Geeks know teamwork, and...

Geeks Know Their Enemy
Geeks know things. Geeks know courage. Geeks know what it means to live for a cause. And geeks know their enemy. I mean, come on: We've seen Satan a thousand times in a thousand places. We've shuddered at his greed manifest in the haughty agent Smith. We've felt his...

Geeks Know Courage
Geeks know stuff. Yesterday we began a new blog series, "Geeks Know." We explored how Geeks know what it means to live for a cause and challenged each other to move from theory to reality. Today's truth: Geeks know courage. Especially movie geeks. Geeks Know. We've...

Geeks Know What it Means to Live For a Cause.
When it comes to the important stuff in life, Geeks know. We may not know that we know, but Geeks know. Throughout this series we're going to explore what we Geeks know—or ought to know—and why it matters. If Geeks know anything, we know what it means to live for a...

A Gamer’s Wife Writes Her Hubby A Valentine
A friend of mine, Steve Sukkau, sent me this yesterday and I decided to share it (with his permission, of course). Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart! From the Wife of a Gamer “Married to a Superhero” I would consider myself a bit of a geek and am very proud of my geek...

Matt Mikalatos Interview @ Geek Faith Tribe
Today I got to interview an amazing (and successful) author, Matt Mikalatos. Geeks, you're gonna love this guy! Be sure to comment below and let him know. Brad: Good morning, Matt... thanks for joining me. I'm pumped to spend a few minutes getting to know you and your...

How To Make A Big Difference For God Doing Little Things For People
Sometimes outreach can seem intimidating or complicated. That's why I'm helping our church make a big difference for God by doing little things for people. I call the concept 5-2Thrive (Five-To-Thrive), and I think it's one of simplest, most practical handles I've...

God is the Source
God is the Source. I say that for my benefit just as much as yours. I just spent half an hour surfing the web looking for... uh... I have no idea. I'm sure you've never done that. Never scrolled through Pinterest for far too long searching for something pinteresting....