The Creative Christian Blog

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Movie Review
Last night I saw Peter Jackson's highly anticipated film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Shuffling out into the lobby afterwards, Shauna remarked, "You're disappointed, aren't you?" And I was. But maybe disappointed isn't the right word. Conflicted is probably...

Human Strength and Divine Strength: How to Tap Into Both
There are two kinds of strength in the spiritual life: Human strength and divine strength. It's critical that you learn to embrace and experience both kinds. Human Strength Human strength is everywhere. Books, television, gaming, movies—they're all built squarely on...

Seven Ways to Grow An Innovative Faith
When most people think innovation, they think technology—Google Glass, augmented reality, sliced bread. But God wants us to grow an innovative faith that invigorates us and changes the world. The alternative is a stale faith, so here are seven tips to get you started...

Quantum Stealth Camouflage? Yes please.
Be still my heart. My Christmas gift has arrived: Quantum stealth camouflage material. Okay, I probably won't get Quantum anything for Christmas. But get this: According to this article, "The U.S. military is backing the development of camouflage fabrics that could...

Christian Geek? That’s me
I am a Christian Geek. I am Rick. I am Batman. I am Neo. I am the Doctor. I am Aragorn. I am superman. I am Spider-man. I am Leonidas. I am Maximus Decimus Meridius. I am Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Cap, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. I am Obi-Wan, Luke, Han, and Leia. I...

A Prayer For My Facebook Friends
You are not just a number. You are not just a prospect. You are not just a person in need. You are not just an avatar. You matter. To me, to God. Here's the graphic, enlarged. SHARE away, and have a great day.

Wanna Become An Angel?
One of the most common questions children ask about angels is, "Will I become an angel when I go to heaven?" The answer, I'm sorry to say, is no. An angel is an entity distinct from human beings. Hebrews 1:7 reads, "In speaking of the angels (God) says, “He makes his...

Christmas is Angel Season
Have you ever seen or experienced an angel? I have. Many times. Years ago I walked through a season of life where Jesus routinely opened my eyes to see spiritual realities. When I say 'see' I don't mean envision, imagine, perceive, or discern. I mean see. With my...

Warning: Don’t Die by FYI!
FYI... We live in one of those lottery ball popper machine thingies. The balls represent the frenetic stream of information bouncing all around us. FYI... According to Richard Wurman, who wrote Information Anxiety (1989, Doubleday), a typical edition of The New York...

Excellence vs. perfectionism
If you're a creative, you've probably got a perfectionist streak running somewhere through your spiritual play-dough. Am I right? It's there because we believe, with every fibre of our being, that what we make matters. This art—whether it's sculpting or music or...