The Creative Christian Blog

A Prayer For My Facebook Friends

A Prayer For My Facebook Friends

You are not just a number. You are not just a prospect. You are not just a person in need. You are not just an avatar. You matter. To me, to God. Here's the graphic, enlarged. SHARE away, and have a great day.  

Wanna Become An Angel?

Wanna Become An Angel?

One of the most common questions children ask about angels is, "Will I become an angel when I go to heaven?" The answer, I'm sorry to say, is no. An angel is an entity distinct from human beings. Hebrews 1:7 reads, "In speaking of the angels (God) says, “He makes his...

Christmas is Angel Season

Christmas is Angel Season

Have you ever seen or experienced an angel? I have. Many times. Years ago I walked through a season of life where Jesus routinely opened my eyes to see spiritual realities. When I say 'see' I don't mean envision, imagine, perceive, or discern. I mean see. With my...

Warning: Don’t Die by FYI!

Warning: Don’t Die by FYI!

FYI... We live in one of those lottery ball popper machine thingies. The balls represent the frenetic stream of information bouncing all around us. FYI... According to Richard Wurman, who wrote Information Anxiety (1989, Doubleday), a typical edition of The New York...

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