The Creative Christian Blog
My fairy tale marriage
God told me to marry my best friend, Shauna Kristine Warkentin, in 1993. I'll never forget the day we, the starry-eyed couple, shoved our little dingy from the shore and set out on our new lives together. Like many couples experience, the honeymoon wore off sometime...
Star Trek: Into Darkness Review
Star Trek: Into Darkness Review: What's the bottom line? A few words: Slick, funny, gripping, visually inspiring, nobly acted. A viscerally entertaining sci-fi space romp. I saw it in 2D, and unlike my experience with Jack and the Giant Slayer, I never once thought,...
Favorite Bible Verses: Matthew 4:4
I've been sharing favorite Bible verses. Last week I introduced you to Exodus 33:11, a jaw-dropping verse that ought to keep us up at night. Equally powerful? Matthew 4:4: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." A...
Favorite Bible Verse: Exodus 33:11
Over the next few posts, I'm going to share some of my favorite Bible verses with you. They've got the power to change your life like they've changed mine. I remember the first time I read Exodus 33:10,11: "Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the...
ICK: Chapter One Podcast
My new audiobook podcast, Ick, is now up on iTunes! Just subscribe to the podcast and you'll be updated every time I add a chapter. Also feel free to leave comments and rate it to spread the word. A summary to sucker your saliva: ICK Town barber Lymen Reuben finds...
NO Video compilation. Just say yes. No. What do you need to say "No" to today?
Supernatural: Miracles That Shaped Me, Part 4
Time for another miracle that shaped me. One year Shauna and I had been the Youth Pastor couple at the Winkler M.B. Church for eight beautiful years. During that time, the ministry grew from around forty-five youth to a stellar team of forty-five leaders. Glory to...
Supernatural: Miracles That Shaped Me, Part 3
I've been writing about miracles that not only touched me, but shaped me. Like God speaking my name, and healing my chronic back injury. When I met Sally (not her real name) she was addicted to drugs, demonized ten times over, deeply entrenched in a drug ring/witch's...
Supernatural: Miracles That Shaped Me, Part 2
Last week I wrote about a stunning moment when God spoke my name... audibly. Today I'll share another of the many miracles that shaped me. The story began in a supermarket parking lot amidst the frost-bitten dead of Winter. I'd been sent out into the cold to retrieve...
May the Fourth Be With You
I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I grew up with my geekish imagination fully captured by the far-flung galaxies populated by wookies, taun-tauns, mandalorians, and Jedi. I still own some of my original, circa 1970's Star Wars action figures... although Luke has now lost his...