The Creative Christian Blog

How to set goals that you can reach every single time
Over the past month or two, I've blogged a few thought provoking posts about anxiety. How To Conquer Worry Using a Mall Map, Conquering Worry: Prayer 2.0, Dethroning Fear, Defining Fear and Anxiety, How to Knock Anxiety Off the Throne. This discussion is pertinent for...

God for geeks (and church for culture)
I'm reading Comeback Churches right now (Ed Stetzer and Mike Dodson). And man, are these boys putting my heart into words. These are things I've long believed, but never quite articulated—mostly relating to mission and culture and how the church is supposed to act....

Margins. I hate ’em. But…
Margins. In school, I hated 'em. Lines? Who needed 'em. Give me a blank page, let me loose, let me doodle and explore and create without boundaries and constraints. Boxes? Don't put me in one, or I'll bust out, or rebel, or die. I want to go with my gut, Ignited by my...

Pastor Preaches on the Zombie-pocalypse
It happened on November 4th, 2012. It was a typical Sunday morning. Or was it. We broke new ground for the Dalhousie Community Church. Launched into new territory. And had a ball doing it. Woo hoo! I, Brad Huebert, preached a doozy of a sermon about surviving the...

How To Knock Anxiety Off The Throne
This week we've been talking about dethroning fear in our lives. Yesterday we learned the difference between fear and anxiety. Today I'm going to show you how to use your new definition of anxiety to find freedom from it. To recap: Anxiety has a subject located in the...

The Power of Defining Your Fear and Anxiety
Earlier this week I began a miniseries on fear. I left you pondering how we might dethrone fear and end it's rule in our lives, and we'll get there. But first, we need to define a few terms. For one thing, fear and anxiety are not the same thing. Knowing the...

Dethroning Fear: It’s Time.
Halloween looms before us... that ancient festival where we have fun with our fears. I've never met a fearless person—at least, not in the true sense of the word. I've met lots of courageous people, and many cowards, too. But courage isn't the absence of fear. Fear...

How To Survive a Personal Apocalypse
This Sunday we're launching an edgy new series at DCC called "How to Survive a Coming Personal Apocalypse." Why? It’s all over the news, saturating the web, sprinkled throughout coffee shops across the nation: apparently the end of the world is looming. Some say the...

The Story of Your Life—A Second Draft That Could Set You Free
Writer and speaker John Eldredge is famous for saying, "the story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one that knows what you can become and fears it." I love John Eldredge, but he's missed the soul of the story. Like many of...

Old School Ratchet and Clank Commercials
Did you ever play Ratchet and Clank? Classic gaming, my geekish friends. Classic gaming. Here's a four and a half minute montage of some of the best video game commercials ever made, a 'la Ratchet and Clank Weaponry in the hands of real people in the real world. I...