Writer and speaker John Eldredge is famous for saying,  “the story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one that knows what you can become and fears it.”

I love John Eldredge, but he’s missed the soul of the story.

Like many of us do.

You know what I think?

The story of your life is the story of the heroic and passionate rescue of your heart by the One who pours out his life to help you overcome the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you can become and fears it—so you can rise into that calling, push back the darkness, and help others find the life you’re living.

Not as pithy and pretty long winded, but there you go. Let me simplify: You’re being rescued while you’re being opposed while you’re rising into your calling as a world changer.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to frame your life in far less epic terms.

The story of my life is the story of a guy trying to do his best while barely keeping his head above water with his job, friends, and family.


The story of my life is the story of a woman who never quite gets it right while falling further and further behind in just about everything that matters.


The story of my life is the story of someone longing for more but never quite finding it.

Okay, sure.

But how would you retell your story from God’s perspective?

Your story is not, “the story of a guy trying to do his best while barely keeping his head above water with his job, friends, and family.” No. It’s the story of a precious guy God loves who keeps getting duped into trying to make life work on his own while God keeps trying to intervene, to show him the path of freedom and peace that comes through brokenness and dependence so he can make a real difference in the world.”

The second one is not “the story of a woman who never quite gets it right while falling further and further behind in just about everything that matters.” It’s the story of God’s relentless grace offered to a precious soul learning to let go and let herself be loved by him so she can love others in powerful ways.”

Your story isn’t “the story of someone longing for more but never quite finding it.” It’s the story of God’s patient leading of a lost soul into places they’ve never been while the enemy struggles to keep them in their comfort zone because letting you loose would mean an outbreak of freedom that could spread to others.

I’m just guessing here, of course. But when you rewrite your story from God’s perspective, something magical happens: You don’t define your story with your failure, you define your story by your battle. When you know what your battle is, you know what God is trying to accomplish. You know what’s at stake. You know what role you’re being called to play.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Begin by writing, “My life is the story of…” and write your own version. Not what you wish were true, what feels true lately.

2. Then ask God, “How would you re-write this story line? What’s the real battle I’m facing?” Write down what comes to mind, working on it in stages if need be.

3. Compare your version with God’s version. What are the similarities? What about the differences? Thank him for showing you, and commit to living his story instead of the one you’ve been telling yourself.

4. Admit you’ve blown it with your own story and ask Jesus Christ to lead you into the new story, your real story, from now on.

Personally, I’m going to finish up here and get busy on this. What about you?