by bradhuebert | May 4, 2012 | Faith, geek, geeks of the week, Jesus Christ, sci-fi, theology, time travel
I first met Randy Ingermanson at a writer’s conference and have enjoyed getting to know him a little more each year. He’s weird. I like that. Geeks, meet Randy Ingermanson. Brad : Good morning. Randy : Hi Brad! Brad : It’s really good to have you Randy....
by bradhuebert | Apr 6, 2012 | Jesus Christ, the cross, Uncategorized
A few years ago we commissioned an elderly saint in our fellowship to build us a cross. We wanted a big one, so he was forced to make it hollow so we could still raise it twenty feet in the air to display at the front of our sanctuary. He did a marvellous job,...
by bradhuebert | Mar 2, 2012 | Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God
When Jesus says he is the Vine and we are the branches, he’s not just using pretty words. Check out this vlog that explores what it means to live in the Vine.
by bradhuebert | Feb 23, 2012 | Faith, Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God
by bradhuebert | Feb 20, 2012 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God, spiritual growth I’d love to hear your thoughts—how this video struck you, stuff you’ve learned about abiding in Christ, etc. Have a great day.
by bradhuebert | Feb 3, 2012 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, the cross, Uncategorized
If Jesus met you for coffee today, what would you ask him? What do you truly need? Because what we truly need is always found in him. His word to you today: “Come to me… find yourself in me. Lose yourself in me. Let me wash over you, let me love on you....