by bradhuebert | May 31, 2012 | church, Faith, gaming, geek, sci-fi, theology
Geeks and Faith I’ve surfed long hours on the web, cutting through the undulating waves of info for all things geek, absorbing countless blogs and comments and pages and videos along the way. And I’ve realized something. Something that makes me sad. Geeks...
by bradhuebert | Apr 25, 2012 | Faith, gaming, geek, Intimacy with God, movies
I’m a pastor who’s also a geek, a gamer, a movie lover—and I think escapism has been given a bad rap. The dictionary says escapism is “the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, esp. by seeking entertainment or engaging in...
by bradhuebert | Apr 24, 2012 | gaming, geek
This week I thought I’d focus on gaming. Gamers are a passionate crowd. I know, ’cause I are one. I’ve been a gamer for years, in fact. Not hardcore, mind you, so I can’t decide all by myself. I need your help. So I must ask you the question:...
by bradhuebert | Apr 23, 2012 | Faith, gaming, geek, geeks of the week
Welcome to GEEK of the WEEK episode 1. As often as I can, I’m going to interview Geeks worth promoting. This week, meet Steven Sukkau. Brad: How does it feel to be featured as the very first “geek of the week” at Steven: Hey,...
by bradhuebert | Apr 20, 2012 | Faith, gaming
Next week is gaming week at A couple of posts you’re gonna eat up: 1. What’s the best gaming system of all time? Smack-down, people. We’ll need you to weigh in. 2. Geek of the Week: A brand new feature where I’ll interview...