This week I thought I’d focus on gaming. Gamers are a passionate crowd. I know, ’cause I are one. I’ve been a gamer for years, in fact. Not hardcore, mind you, so I can’t decide all by myself. I need your help.

So I must ask you the question:

What’s the ultimate video gaming console of all time?

Before we get into the brawl, here’s a closer look at most of the consoles. If I missed yours, I’m truly sorry.

Next I need to share my gaming history.

1. I owned Pong as a kid. Yup, the very first video game—which amounted to two bars you could slide up and down to bounce a square “ball” back and forth. Bleep. Bonk. Bleep.

2. I also owned a Commodore 64. My favourite games were Bruce Lee and Raid on Bungeling Bay.

3. My friends owned Atari 2600s and Intellivisions. They were better than Pong. I was jealous. Until I played E.T. on my friend’s Atari. It sucked.

4. I also owned a Nintendo, the original NES. Favourite game? Super Dodge Ball. But I think I’m technically an infidel, because (GASP!) I never got into Super Mario Brothers.

5. I owned a Playstation. Favourite game: Star Wars Battlefront.

6. I owned a Playstation 2. Favourite game: Star Wars Battlefront 2. One of two games we kept playing on our PS3.

7. I own a Playstation 3. Favourite game right now: Uncharted 3. Loved Resistance: Fall of Man. Original Motorsport made my palms sweat.

8. We own a Wii. Favourite game: Bomberman Land. Gameplay all the way.

9. My son owns an X-Box. Favourite games: Halo Reach, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Now then… how to decide which console is the best of all time? What’s the most important measurement? Graphics? Gameplay? Sales? Fan base? Features? How groundbreaking it was/is?

  • In terms of gameplay, the Nintendo Wii got non-gamers gaming like nothing else before it.
  • In terms of graphics, both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 are pretty killer.
  • In terms of fan base, Xbox 360 is surging ahead with the young ‘uns.
  • In terms of sales, I have no idea. I suspect Playstation is lagging behind. Which is weird. Playstation Network is free, Xbox Live is sixty bucks a year.
  • Features? Six ‘o one, half a dozen of the other, although… I can’t for the life of me figure out why all controllers aren’t rechargeable by USB like with the PS3. And the PS3 is a Blueray player. 
  • Groundbreaking? Pong was huge. It kick-started the gaming console movement. Atari broke away from cubes and rectangles into icons that looked more like real stuff. The Wii brought motion sensitivity. The rest of the consoles, in my humble opinion, were just more of the same—incremental improvements.
  • For pure, nostalgic power, there’s no rival to the original Nintendo.  Snif…

My sons clearly vote for Xbox 360. My personal favourite is the Playstation 3.  But that’s just me. Tell you what, why don’t you weigh in, and I’ll tally the results after all the bloodshed.

Be passionate, but be classy. Go! Comment now. What’s the best gaming console of all time, and why?

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