by bradhuebert | Feb 5, 2013 | Faith, geek, identity, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized, vision
Don’t just dream your dream; live your dream. This week we’ve been unpacking how to begin living your dream, what happens when your dream is from God, and how to make your dreams come true. In the cult classic movie The Matrix, Morpheus—a leader endowed...
by bradhuebert | Feb 4, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, geek, Uncategorized, vision, writing
Dreams don’t just come true. You make your dreams come true. Last week I began a series about How to begin living your dream. I followed this with a post unpacking the power of a dream when it’s from God. Today’s message is simple: If you want your...
by bradhuebert | Jan 30, 2013 | Faith, geek, theology, Uncategorized, vision
If your dream is from God, if that passion growing within you was planted there by the One who made you to throw your life into that mission… You’re on sacred ground. On Monday I invited you to dream big about your life. I gave you five powerful questions...
by bradhuebert | Jan 24, 2013 | Faith, geek, movies, sci-fi, technology, time travel, Uncategorized
It’s high time for Geek Faith Tribe’s Looper Movie Review. This review contains spoilers. Looper Movie Review: The Art First, overall impressions. I’ve heard people say Looper is an amazing movie. I disagree. It’s a mess of a movie with a...
by bradhuebert | Jan 16, 2013 | Faith, Uncategorized
No bones about it, Christian Geeks: I want you to join the Geek Faith Tribe. I want you to dive right in and get your geek on here. Here’s what’s in it for you: 1. You’ll learn how to leverage your geekness to grow your faith. I’ve pretty much...
by bradhuebert | Jan 11, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, gaming, geek, Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, theology, Uncategorized
The Walking Dead Video Game offers us pictures of Jesus? My friend and fellow geek Steven Sukkau is a major gamer, and he says yes indeed. Read his article and find out why your picture of Jesus may just need some tweaking—thanks to the Walking Dead Video Game series....