by bradhuebert | Apr 12, 2013 | church, Faith, geek, Jesus Christ, worship
If you’re a Christian geek, you’re gonna love worship in heaven. We don’t possess words crazy enough to express how shockingly magnificent it’s going to be. Words get tired, over used, flat. I’m not sure how your church service goes down...
by bradhuebert | Apr 2, 2013 | Faith, sci-fi, Uncategorized, vision
Is your faith passive or active? Let me help you figure that out. Passive Faith Passive faith is about waiting. About patience. About holding on when things get tough. It’s about keeping your head above water. Passive faith is about receiving the strength and...
by bradhuebert | Apr 1, 2013 | Faith, gaming, geek, Intimacy with God, marriage, sci-fi, Uncategorized
It’s Time to Introduce the winners of the Geek Faith Tribe “Big Geek” Contest. First of all, everyone who entered truly is a big geek. Most of you are bigger geeks than I’ll ever be. So kudos, my tribe. But here we go: FIRST PRIZE: Asher...
by bradhuebert | Mar 12, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, gaming, Intimacy with God, prayer, struggles, Uncategorized
Cool Idea of the Week Video Gamers are familiar with the concept of a H.U.D., or a “Heads-Up Display.” A H.U.D. helps players keep track of their health, ammo levels, maps, point tallies, that kind of thing. But I’ve been wondering: What if you could...
by bradhuebert | Feb 27, 2013 | church, community, Faith, geek, heroes, movies, spiritual growth, Uncategorized
Geeks know stuff. Geeks know Courage, Know Living for a Cause, and Know Their Enemy. We know That mentors matter. We Geeks also know, or ought to know better than most, that teamwork is the pathway to victory. Now, it’s true that we’ve seen our share of...
by bradhuebert | Feb 21, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, geek, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, struggles
Geeks know things. Geeks know courage. Geeks know what it means to live for a cause. And geeks know their enemy. I mean, come on: We’ve seen Satan a thousand times in a thousand places. We’ve shuddered at his greed manifest in the haughty agent Smith....