by bradhuebert | Jul 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
Awhile back I prayed a heartfelt prayer: “Lord, help me get over myself.” God answered in a glorious way. The power came through many hours of Bible study, paging through most of the New Testament and compiling a list of life-changing verses as the Holy...
by bradhuebert | Jul 8, 2013 | identity, spiritual growth, struggles, the cross, Uncategorized
If you’re a regular GeekFaither, you’ve probably noticed my resounding silence on the blog front lately. Yeah, I needed a break. Simply put, I was tired. Very, very tired. My emotional gas tank was hacking on fumes, my frustration levels were torqued into...
by bradhuebert | Jun 28, 2013 | creativity, Faith, geek
You’ve probably never heard of Clyde S. Kilby, an English professor and renown Inkling scholar (specializing in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien). He went to glory in 1984, so most of us have never met him, which is too bad. Revered for his passion for imaginative...
by bradhuebert | Jun 25, 2013 | church, community, heroes, Uncategorized
This weekend our church has been engaged waist deep (figuratively speaking) serving evacuees from the life-boggling Calgary flood waters. Some 100,000 people have been displaced throughout the crisis, many of whom are still waiting to return home, unsure of what...
by bradhuebert | Jun 24, 2013 | the cross, theology, Uncategorized, vision, worship
In the Old Testament, the Israelites stuck to a very clear order of worship based on the Old Testament temple system. It looked like so: The Old Testament Flow of Worship Worshippers began with “Songs of Ascent” as they walked up the hill into Jerusalem....