The Creative Christian Blog
I was stabbed by a sword the other day. ‘Tis just a flesh wound.
It's true. I really was stabbed by a sword the other day. The wound cut deep. It bled. Never mind that I did it to myself, by accident, with a movie replica from Lord of the Rings, while I was trying to mount it on my wall. Never mind that it was a little pinprick...
How to survive after the apocalypse
Well, I took a test here that tells you how long you'd survive after the apocalypse. Here's how I did: First of all, go take the test. It takes about three minutes. Then come on back and share bragging rights... I saw some guy more than doubled my lifespan. Nuts. The...
Know Years Resolutions
January is New Years resolution month. Get back into the routine at the gym. Start a Bible reading plan. Learn Japanese. Become a more passionate Jesus worshipper. Cut out dessert… except chocolate. Chocolate is good for the heart, you know. So how do you make a good...
What Christian Geeks Know
Above all people, Christian geeks know: Mystery hides in plain sight. Christian geeks know: Call boxes can be time travel machines. Wardrobes can be gateways into other worlds. Frogs can be captive princes. Grumpy old men can be exiled Jedi warriors. Math teachers can...
Christmas Eve
Way back in a primordial garden called Eden, our original mother reached for the forbidden fruit. Slipping into a serpent's guise, Satan seduced her—seduced us, really—to reject God. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the...
Santa’s First Christmas
Jesus and Santa have coffee @ Starbucks
Jesus sits waiting at Starbucks. A few minutes later, Santa bumbles in the door, breathless. "Sorry I'm late. You know how hard it is to find parking for a sleigh and nine reindeer this time of year?" "I've been here... like forever," Jesus replies, glancing at the...
What’s the reason for the season?
“Hey, let’s remember the reason for the season.” That’s what Christians all over North America will say to themselves and each other as we march through advent this year. Which is great. But what is the reason we’re supposed to remember? Seriously now: What is...
Doctor Who, your story, and God’s story
Last week I asked my Whovian friends why they like Doctor Who. They said it Doctor Who was a great sci-fi drama, that they could happily watch it with their kids, that they saw traits in the Doctor that reminded them of God. They also said they loved the writing, that...
Whovians: Why do you love Doctor Who?
Doctor Who has risen to legendary status in the Huebert home. All three kiddos love watching now. I suppose that means four out of five of us are Whovian. But with The Day of the Doctor looming tomorrow, I simply want to ask: Why the Doctor? Personally, I love the...