what christian geeks knowAbove all people, Christian geeks know: Mystery hides in plain sight.

Christian geeks know: Call boxes can be time travel machines. Wardrobes can be gateways into other worlds. Frogs can be captive princes. Grumpy old men can be exiled Jedi warriors. Math teachers can be harpies in disguise. We know, or ought to know, that an infant stuffed in straw really could have been God in the flesh sent to us. And that his arrival really did change everything.

Of all people, Christian geeks understand: miracles are everywhere just waiting to happen. Supernatural holiness and power aches with anticipation, pulsing with passion just beyond the tender veil of our senses. God longs to pour eternity through our roughshod faith, love, and hope.

Christian geeks walk through life wide-eyed, anticipating the greater and the grand. We know God has spoken through angels and plagues, through shepherds and sunsets, through donkeys, kings, virgins, and prophets. We know we are children of light, that the truth we bear shines like a star in a multiple dimensions, that we’ve been unzombified, that we’ve been given superpowers, that little things can upend kingdoms, that the story of humanity is rising to its epic climax, and that our unique role is critical.

We know.

We know.

We know.