The Creative Christian Blog

Where are you?

When God wanted Adam and Eve to think through what and how they were doing, he asked them, “Where are you?” So what about you? Where are you?

Why the Spirit-filled Life is the creative life

In my last two posts, I tried to convince you that: Creativity is intrinsic to your identity. Human beings are imagers of a Creative God, and free will is essentially creative power. Creativity is pivotal to your purpose. Everything God put us here to do requires...

Why creativity is pivotal to your purpose

Why creativity is pivotal to your purpose

In my last post, I tried to convince you that creativity is intrinsic to your identity. Today, I'm going to make the case that creativity is pivotal to your purpose. The first thing we learn about God in Genesis is that He already existed when the beginning began. The...

Why every Christian is creative, including you

Why every Christian is creative, including you

There are two kinds of people: Those that know they are creative, and those that don't. There are no non-creative people. "I'm definitely creative," you might say. "I'm a writer," or perhaps an artist. Or maybe you disagree. "Nope, not me," you protest. "I know lots...

Exciting things in the works for me

I don't know much about my long-term future these days. I thought I did, even just six months ago—but now, it's a blue-ocean mystery to me—a frontier I'm wading into with Jesus day by day. What I do know, as people close to me have affirmed over and over, is that: I...

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