The Creative Christian Blog

Playing with lego prepares you for life.
I'm telling you, playing with lego prepares you for life. I used to joke that people who didn't succeed didn't play with Lego as kids, but there's some truth to this, I think. Not a universal truth, mind you, but I think you know what I mean. According to Wikipedia,...

Live Your Dream
Don't just dream your dream; live your dream. This week we've been unpacking how to begin living your dream, what happens when your dream is from God, and how to make your dreams come true. In the cult classic movie The Matrix, Morpheus—a leader endowed with cryptic...

Make Your Dreams Come True
Dreams don't just come true. You make your dreams come true. Last week I began a series about How to begin living your dream. I followed this with a post unpacking the power of a dream when it's from God. Today's message is simple: If you want your dream to come true,...

If your dream is from God
If your dream is from God, if that passion growing within you was planted there by the One who made you to throw your life into that mission... You're on sacred ground. On Monday I invited you to dream big about your life. I gave you five powerful questions to...

How to begin living your dream
Is "living your dream" a cliche? I don't think so. God made you for a reason. You were made to matter. It's why you love watching Dr. Who, why your heart is drawn to fantasy, to epic stories, and to adventures. Geeks are in touch with this longing more than most. It's...

Looper Movie Review
It's high time for Geek Faith Tribe's Looper Movie Review. This review contains spoilers. Looper Movie Review: The Art First, overall impressions. I've heard people say Looper is an amazing movie. I disagree. It's a mess of a movie with a fantastic concept,...

Social Media Jedi Power Tools
As we wrap up this week's series, How To Use Social Media Like a Jedi, I'm going to share what's working for me by sharing what I believe are social media jedi power tools. First let me share what isn't: Twitter. I suck at it and it's not drawing any traffic to speak...

How to Use Social Media Like a Jedi: The Facebook Effect
Yesterday I challenged you to learn how to use social media like a Jedi. I said that any fool can swing a lightsaber; it takes a Jedi to wield the force. In social media, the "force" is syngergizing social media elements (like twitter and Pinterest) to unleash the...

How To Use Social Media Like a Jedi
If you're trying to build a brand, rally a tribe, gather an audience, or take over the universe, executing a good social media strategy is critical. I'm no Jedi master, but learning to use social media like a Jedi, I am. So I want to show you how to use social media...

Gandalf: Fight! Run! Aauugh!
In my humble opinion, "half" of Gandalf's lines in the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey can be summarized by three words: Fight! Run! Aauugh! Fight! Run! Aauugh! Don't get me wrong: I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan. Throw the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey into the mix...