by bradhuebert | May 29, 2012 | Faith, geek, grace, identity, Jesus Christ, movies, sin, struggles, Uncategorized
I watched the movie Chronicle on iTunes yesterday. If you’ve never seen it, Chronicle explores what it might be like to receive superpowers. One day, you’re ‘Joe Guy’; next day, you’re ‘Joe Awesome’—imbued with telekinetic...
by bradhuebert | Feb 27, 2012 | Faith, spiritual growth, struggles, vision
I’ll never forget that moment. I stood on a pebbled shoreline in my swim trunks, my toes drowning in two inches of water so cold, it burned. I’d taken a few guys rock climbing in the Canadian Shield, a topographical playground in North Eastern Ontario. The...
by bradhuebert | Feb 15, 2012 | struggles
A few minutes ago a persistent pang of anxiety rippled through my soul, kinda like a catfish wriggling through thick mud. I thought I’d unpack it for you. First thing we need to know: anxiety and worry are two different things. Worry is something we do; anxiety...
by bradhuebert | Apr 11, 2011 | conflict, Faith, Most popular, struggles, theology, Uncategorized
What is spiritual bondage? What is a spiritual stronghold? If you’re asking these questions, welcome! You’ve come to the right place. Let me define a few terms so you can get a handle on what spiritual bondage is, and how it relates to a spiritual...
by bradhuebert | Jan 11, 2011 | Faith, Most popular, struggles, Uncategorized
King Saul’s fatal flaws are legendary. When you think of King Saul in the Bible, what comes to your mind? I think of words like ruthless, power-hungry, jealous, insecure, moody, oppressed, demonized, and murderous. He tried to impale a harp toting shepherd boy...