by bradhuebert | Jan 19, 2012 | Faith, Jesus Christ, vision
Imagine yourself curled up in a cozy chair at Starbucks, laptop flipped open to a blank page in your word processor. You begin by typing two words: “My… Life.” Long pause. You really should make this count, with the stakes being so high and all....
by bradhuebert | Jan 6, 2012 | Faith, Jesus Christ, relationships
I believe in the power of transposition. Merriam-Webster says that to transpose means: 1. To change in form or nature. 2. To render into another language, style, or manner of expression. 3. To change the relative place or normal order of. Transposition is life....
by bradhuebert | Dec 26, 2011 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, vision
“As (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth… (Jesus) spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,”he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came...
by bradhuebert | Dec 24, 2011 | Christmas, community, Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ
Last night our family watched The Nativity Story over Coke Zero and homemade pizza. We’re a serious movie family; pretty much every Saturday brings “pizza and movie night” to our home. True, the movie takes sizeable liberties with the biblical...
by bradhuebert | Dec 20, 2011 | Faith, family, grace, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, parenting, prayer, Presence of God, theology, Uncategorized, worship
Today I want to take the time to highlight three free ebooks I’ve written over the years. Just click on the links and a PDF will magically appear in your inbox. Enjoy! #1. FINDING HOME: A PARABLE OF KINGDOM LIFE (5 star rating on What if you woke up...
by bradhuebert | Nov 30, 2011 | Faith, Jesus Christ
I’ve been rethinking faith lately. We tend to think of faith as something we have or don’t have. It’s like a light switch, we think; either on or off. But what if faith is somewhat less “magical” than we’ve traditionally understood...