by bradhuebert | Feb 13, 2013 | Faith, heroes, Jesus Christ, sci-fi, theology, Uncategorized, writing
Today I got to interview an amazing (and successful) author, Matt Mikalatos. Geeks, you’re gonna love this guy! Be sure to comment below and let him know. Brad: Good morning, Matt… thanks for joining me. I’m pumped to spend a few minutes getting to...
by bradhuebert | Jan 28, 2013 | geek, heroes, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, struggles, Uncategorized, vision
Is “living your dream” a cliche? I don’t think so. God made you for a reason. You were made to matter. It’s why you love watching Dr. Who, why your heart is drawn to fantasy, to epic stories, and to adventures. Geeks are in touch with this...
by bradhuebert | Jan 11, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, gaming, geek, Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, theology, Uncategorized
The Walking Dead Video Game offers us pictures of Jesus? My friend and fellow geek Steven Sukkau is a major gamer, and he says yes indeed. Read his article and find out why your picture of Jesus may just need some tweaking—thanks to the Walking Dead Video Game series....
by bradhuebert | Dec 24, 2012 | Christmas, Faith, family, geek, Jesus Christ, parenting, theology, Uncategorized
My biggest issue with Santa Claus is simple. But before I critique the bulging philanthropist, let me defend him for a minute. Really. Because I think most Christians attack him unfairly. Most Christians’ biggest issue with Santa Claus Here it is: Santa Claus...
by bradhuebert | Dec 21, 2012 | conflict, Faith, geek, Jesus Christ, struggles, theology, Uncategorized
Today marks the end… of the end of the world. Every time a date comes and goes without an apocalypse, rapture, or cataclysm, the world becomes numb to the possibility of the real thing. Apocalypse? What apocalypse? The end will certainly come, but the Gospel of...
by bradhuebert | Dec 18, 2012 | Faith, geek, Jesus Christ, movies, Presence of God, Uncategorized
There are two kinds of strength in the spiritual life: Human strength and divine strength. It’s critical that you learn to embrace and experience both kinds. Human Strength Human strength is everywhere. Books, television, gaming, movies—they’re all built...