by bradhuebert | May 27, 2014 | Faith, Jesus Christ, sin, struggles
Stress is a slippery bugger, hard to pin down and even harder to shake loose. It’s like a Kraken, a creature of the deep summoned to sink ships and scare people. And kill them to death. The last month or so I found myself swamped and suckered by a stress Kraken....
by bradhuebert | Apr 9, 2014 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Uncategorized
One day Jesus borrowed Peter’s boat so more people could crowd around him on the beach while he preached. It was a gooder. After blowing Peter’s mind with a stupid-awesome catch of fish that made absolutely no sense on a human level, Jesus made his three...
by bradhuebert | Mar 31, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God
The response to my new book, Go With The Flow, has been incredible to say the least. I set out to write a book that teaches people how to grow an awesome quiet time with God. This is what people have been saying: “This book offers a different and liberating way...
by bradhuebert | Mar 11, 2014 | Faith, Jesus Christ, Uncategorized
Jesus uses people to heal people. He even uses me. Last week I wrote a post called “Three big things you probably haven’t considered about supernatural healing.” You may want to read that first, because it shapes what I’m going to share today...
by bradhuebert | Mar 5, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized
I couldn’t believe my eyes, but there it was—Google’s keyword search spat out the results to my query and it sat there, naked, unblinking. Forty. Just forty people per month in the entire United States and Canada—combined—were searching for the answer I...