by bradhuebert | Jan 22, 2019 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God
Do you want to experience God’s presence more tangibly in your life? Me too. Our most holy and necessary addiction is for manifestations of God’s glory, and nothing but his presence will do the trick. Let me share a game-changing thought: When the biblical...
by bradhuebert | Jan 3, 2019 | Faith, Intimacy with God, spiritual growth, writing
In my last post I unpacked why prayer journalling is a game-changing tool that will take your spiritual life to the next level this coming year. If you haven’t read that post yet, please do. So… you’re tired of spinning your wheels, going around in...
by bradhuebert | Dec 31, 2018 | Intimacy with God, spiritual growth, writing
It’s New Years’ Resolution time. If you’re anything like me, you want to grow as a person this coming year. You desperately want to go deeper with God, go higher in faith, and go wider with your impact for his kingdom. You long to be a better friend,...
by bradhuebert | Oct 2, 2018 | Books, Brad Huebert, creativity, sci-fi, technology, Uncategorized, writing
I’m a full-time church planter. What does that mean? It means I’m a spiritual entrepreneur living the startup life. My hours are as irregular as a senior’s bowels. I’m a visionary with my head in the clouds, forced to march my life along the...
by bradhuebert | Sep 4, 2018 | Brad Huebert, marriage
My wife Shauna and I got married twenty-five years ago today. That’s a quarter of a freaking century. Our marriage has weathered predictable ups and downs like any other marriage. But our marriage is not just like any other marriage. We’re pretty used to...