by bradhuebert | May 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
No. What do you need to say “No” to...
by bradhuebert | May 9, 2013 | Faith, Holy Spirit, theology, Uncategorized
Time for another miracle that shaped me. One year Shauna and I had been the Youth Pastor couple at the Winkler M.B. Church for eight beautiful years. During that time, the ministry grew from around forty-five youth to a stellar team of forty-five leaders. Glory to...
by bradhuebert | May 7, 2013 | Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, theology, Uncategorized, worship
I’ve been writing about miracles that not only touched me, but shaped me. Like God speaking my name, and healing my chronic back injury. When I met Sally (not her real name) she was addicted to drugs, demonized ten times over, deeply entrenched in a drug...
by bradhuebert | May 6, 2013 | Faith, geek, Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, theology, Uncategorized
Last week I wrote about a stunning moment when God spoke my name… audibly. Today I’ll share another of the many miracles that shaped me. The story began in a supermarket parking lot amidst the frost-bitten dead of Winter. I’d been sent out into the...
by bradhuebert | May 4, 2013 | geek, Uncategorized
I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I grew up with my geekish imagination fully captured by the far-flung galaxies populated by wookies, taun-tauns, mandalorians, and Jedi. I still own some of my original, circa 1970’s Star Wars action figures… although Luke...