Two months ago I relaunched with a new log-line: “Where Geeks and Faith Unite.”

Sometimes, we’ve just had some good old fashioned fun: the Malcolm Reynolds vs. Han Solo Space Cowboy smack down, a contest or two, a funny photo here and there.

I’ve also interviewed two amazing Geeks of the Week: Randy Ingermanson (a real, live physicist-novelist) and Steven Sukkau (a geek at heart who writes for Gamechurch).

Topically, we’ve done gaming week, movie week, time travel week, and alien week. I’ve been having a blast wrestling with my geekish interests and my Christian faith. I hope you have been, too.

My mission? To boldly go where no… uh… pastor has gone before. Maybe I’m the Geek Pastor. Or the Pastor to the Geeks. I know a lot of pastors have blogged about movies, gaming, or some other Geek culture icon—but Google search is telling me there aint too many pastors out there with a passion to create an online hub for Christian geeks. I gladly step into that void, feau-hawk snapped to attention, ready to serve my fellow geeks.

I need your help making THE hub for Christian geeks and geeks who are exploring faith.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Offer comments on stuff you read here. Let’s talk. The conversation is just as much fun (or more) than the content itself.
  • This is where geeks and faith unite, a safe space where you can get your geek on and connect with each other. So comment on each other’s comments.
  •  If something strikes a chord with you, share the love. After each post you can choose to subscribe to this blog, as well as “like” that post on Facebook, “Pin” it onto Pinterest, and “Tweet” it into the Twittersphere.
  • Tell your friends about this site and invite them to visit.
  • Join the “Geek Faith Tribe” by liking it on Facebook. This is also a great way to interact with other geeks.
  • Share links to great geek content with me. I want to become the home of the best Geek links on the web. They don’t have to be Christian links, just good ones.
  • If you have a blog, link to this site by including me in your blogroll. This is huge when it comes to Google ranking.
  • If you know a Geek of the Week I should interview— A true Christian Geek who’s making a difference in the world—please pass on their info to me so I can connect with them.
  • If you have ideas for future features, even new elements to add to the site to knock it out of the park on the wow factor, please contact me. 

For now, comment on this: What have you connected with most on since the launch? Or, what would you like to see more of in upcoming posts?

Be sure to subscribe to this blog—and to tweet, like, or pin this post.