2012 is “Year of the Geek” in movies.

2012 is “Year of the Geek” in movies.

A few days ago I went to see Lockout in theatres and it hit me: 2012 has been (and will be) a banner year for movie geeks. I mean, really. I probably even missed a few on the graphic. Lockout itself? Was fine. Old fashioned sic-fi action flick. Nothing more, nothing...
How King Kong Deepened My Marriage

How King Kong Deepened My Marriage

I love my wife. So much, in fact, that I grab any and every inspiration I can find to love her better. And one of the most powerful sources I’ve tapped into in recent memory is Peter Jackson’s version of King Kong. Yes, the giant ape movie. What can I say,...
How being a geek helps my faith

How being a geek helps my faith

I’m a geek. I have been my whole life, and proud of it—especially now, as geek-hood swells to maturity in our society. The fringe is rapidly becoming the core, and I love it. Geek, I realized the other day, is becoming the new jock. According to Wikipedia,...
Wrath of the Titans review

Wrath of the Titans review

I went to see Wrath of the Titans with a buddy of mine last night. Hoo boy. When I slapped down my coveted 2-for-1 coupon in front of the teller I held no illusions about what I’d gotten us into: a “visual spectacle,” to borrow a weary old phrase....