by bradhuebert | Sep 1, 2012 | family, geek, movies, parenting, Uncategorized
Six or seven years ago I was supposed to be putting the kids to bed and made a video instead. Heh...
by bradhuebert | Aug 20, 2012 | Faith, gaming, geek, movies, Uncategorized, vision
I am a die-hard geek. And mostly, being a Geek helps my faith. But if I’m honest, there are times when my Geekishness hinders it. This blog has been live since May, and we’ve tackled all kinds of awesome geekery. But pretty much since day one, I knew I...
by bradhuebert | Aug 14, 2012 | Faith, geek, movies, Uncategorized
Movies personify evil in the form of villains—people who must be opposed, defeated, killed, and/or destroyed. This is a problem for us real folks living in the real world. Movie villains are caricatures. Nuanced caricatures at times, sure—but caricatures. Not real...
by bradhuebert | Aug 9, 2012 | Faith, geek, movies, Uncategorized, vision
Snow White and the Huntsman is a pretty good movie. (There are no spoilers in this review). Visually, this film is captivating. On the acting front, however, the only kudos I’d hand out would be to Charlize Theron, who’s over-the-top interpretation of dark...
by bradhuebert | Jul 25, 2012 | Faith, geek, movies, theology, Uncategorized
* This post contains movie spoilers. I’ll mark them as they come up. Spilling out of the theatre after a recent showing of The Dark Knight Rises, my first response to the film was inarticulate. Whoah. But then my brain kicked in. Christopher Nolan’s...
by bradhuebert | Jul 17, 2012 | Faith, geek, Intimacy with God, movies, Uncategorized, vision
Yesterday we learned that every life is accompanied by a soundtrack, just like in the movies. Near the end of my post, I hinted that a soundtrack wasn’t merely a metaphor. The songs we listen to have power to direct our lives. Our iTunes playlists possess more...