by bradhuebert | Sep 7, 2012 | Faith, geek, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, sci-fi, spiritual growth, Uncategorized, vision
Yesterday I summarized The Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell’s brilliant analysis of epic stories. You’ll want to read that post before you tackle this one. Campbell outlined twelve universal story elements that every hero story flows through (though...
by bradhuebert | Jul 11, 2012 | Faith, family, geek, Jesus Christ, marriage, Ministry, time travel, vision
My inbox is PINGING off the hook with Happy Birthday Facebook notifications. Better get this post done! First of all, I feel pretty amazing for forty two years old. I ran a mile today with a pace of 7mph, which isn’t...
by bradhuebert | Jul 3, 2012 | Faith, Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God, Uncategorized
Today is a grey day. The skies are overcast, glazed with malaise, spitting half-heartedly here and there without any real commitment. My soul is tired, tempted to make this apathetic bed and sleep in it. Can you relate? It’s far too easy to give in to faith...
by bradhuebert | May 29, 2012 | Faith, geek, grace, identity, Jesus Christ, movies, sin, struggles, Uncategorized
I watched the movie Chronicle on iTunes yesterday. If you’ve never seen it, Chronicle explores what it might be like to receive superpowers. One day, you’re ‘Joe Guy’; next day, you’re ‘Joe Awesome’—imbued with telekinetic...
by bradhuebert | May 14, 2012 | church, Faith, geek, heroes, Jesus Christ, Most popular
The other day this site got hacked. I got a phone call from SiteLock and worked it all out, but while we were waiting for something to take effect the dude I was talking to asked me what my site was all about. “Oh, I’m writing about how Geek and Faith come...
by bradhuebert | May 10, 2012 | Faith, geek, geeks of the week, Jesus Christ, Most popular, movies
Yesterday my bud Steve Sukkau (the very first Geek of the Week here at sent me a comment via email I need to share with you. Here I am turning Favourite Movie Moment #3 over to Stevo. —— I am loving movie week! Most of my personal...