Know Years Resolutions

January is New Years resolution month. Get back into the routine at the gym. Start a Bible reading plan. Learn Japanese. Become a more passionate Jesus worshipper. Cut out dessert… except chocolate. Chocolate is good for the heart, you know. So how do you make a good...

What Christian Geeks Know

Above all people, Christian geeks know: Mystery hides in plain sight. Christian geeks know: Call boxes can be time travel machines. Wardrobes can be gateways into other worlds. Frogs can be captive princes. Grumpy old men can be exiled Jedi warriors. Math teachers can...

Christmas Eve

Way back in a primordial garden called Eden, our original mother reached for the forbidden fruit. Slipping into a serpent’s guise, Satan seduced her—seduced us, really—to reject God. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in...