by bradhuebert | Feb 25, 2013 | community, geek, Leadership, Uncategorized
Geeks know. Last week we explored how Geeks know Courage, Know Living for a Cause, and Know Their Enemy. Those are all personal. This week we’ll be exploring three other things geeks know, and they’ll be social: Geeks know mentors matter, Geeks know...
by bradhuebert | Sep 17, 2012 | Faith, geek, Intimacy with God, Leadership, Ministry, Uncategorized, vision
Two weeks ago I blogged a pair of posts about the Hero’s Journey—an introduction to the Hero’s Journey, and How to Plug Your Story Into The Hero’s Journey. This week we’re going to explore Samson’s “Hero School,” found in...
by bradhuebert | Mar 9, 2012 | evaluation, Leadership, vision
I found a dead monkey in the church parking lot this morning. Poor little blighter was just lying there, flat as a pancake, eyes vacant, trying to smile, wondering why the little girl who made him dropped him in the snow and left him to his soggy fate. I picked up the...
by bradhuebert | Feb 7, 2012 | community, evaluation, Leadership, marriage, Ministry, parenting, vision
In their landmark book “Made To Stick” Chip and Dan Heath unpack what they call “the curse of knowledge.” It’s describes how knowing something causes us to forget what it felt like to not know it. You know? My kids display the curse of...
by bradhuebert | Dec 7, 2011 | evaluation, Faith, Leadership
We give a lot of press to spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, confession, and solitude. As we should. But how often have you heard someone encourage you to practice the discipline of imitation? The book of Hebrews lays this out pretty clearly: “We want...
by bradhuebert | Nov 22, 2011 | church, evaluation, Faith, Leadership, spiritual growth, vision
This fall a whole lot more people have been hanging around our church on Sunday mornings. It’s been amazing to watch the excitement build around what God is doing here. On paper, our average weekly attendance has grown about twenty percent in the last fifteen...