by bradhuebert | Feb 19, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, geek, movies, sci-fi, Uncategorized, vision
Geeks know stuff. Yesterday we began a new blog series, “Geeks Know.” We explored how Geeks know what it means to live for a cause and challenged each other to move from theory to reality. Today’s truth: Geeks know courage. Especially movie geeks....
by bradhuebert | Feb 18, 2013 | evaluation, Faith, gaming, geek, heroes, identity, Intimacy with God, sci-fi, Star Wars, Uncategorized, vision
When it comes to the important stuff in life, Geeks know. We may not know that we know, but Geeks know. Throughout this series we’re going to explore what we Geeks know—or ought to know—and why it matters. If Geeks know anything, we know what it means to live...
by bradhuebert | Feb 13, 2013 | Faith, heroes, Jesus Christ, sci-fi, theology, Uncategorized, writing
Today I got to interview an amazing (and successful) author, Matt Mikalatos. Geeks, you’re gonna love this guy! Be sure to comment below and let him know. Brad: Good morning, Matt… thanks for joining me. I’m pumped to spend a few minutes getting to...
by bradhuebert | Feb 12, 2013 | evangelism, Faith, geek, vision
Sometimes outreach can seem intimidating or complicated. That’s why I’m helping our church make a big difference for God by doing little things for people. I call the concept 5-2Thrive (Five-To-Thrive), and I think it’s one of simplest, most...
by bradhuebert | Feb 11, 2013 | Faith, geek, Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God, Presence of God, vision, worship
God is the Source. I say that for my benefit just as much as yours. I just spent half an hour surfing the web looking for… uh… I have no idea. I’m sure you’ve never done that. Never scrolled through Pinterest for far too long searching for...
by bradhuebert | Feb 7, 2013 | church, community, Faith, geek
I’m telling you, playing with lego prepares you for life. I used to joke that people who didn’t succeed didn’t play with Lego as kids, but there’s some truth to this, I think. Not a universal truth, mind you, but I think you know what I mean....