My fairy tale marriage

God told me to marry my best friend, Shauna Kristine Warkentin, in 1993. I’ll never forget the day we, the starry-eyed couple, shoved our little dingy from the shore and set out on our new lives together. Like many couples experience, the honeymoon wore off...

Star Trek: Into Darkness Review

Star Trek: Into Darkness Review: What’s the bottom line? A few words: Slick, funny, gripping, visually inspiring, nobly acted. A viscerally entertaining sci-fi space romp. I saw it in 2D, and unlike my experience with Jack and the Giant Slayer, I never once...

ICK: Chapter One Podcast

My new audiobook podcast, Ick, is now up on iTunes! Just subscribe to the podcast and you’ll be updated every time I add a chapter. Also feel free to leave comments and rate it to spread the word. A summary to sucker your saliva: ICK Town barber Lymen Reuben...