by bradhuebert | Oct 7, 2013 | Faith, gaming, geek, technology, Uncategorized
Some have said life is like a video game. This statement reminds me of a recent movie review by a mother claiming the Lord of the Rings borrowed heavily from Harry Potter. Video games are loosely based on life, not the other way around. Life is like a video...
by bradhuebert | Oct 2, 2013 | church, evangelism, Uncategorized, vision
Last Sunday Shauna and I got up at the end of the service and shared how God has called us to leave DCC and plant a new church here in Calgary. That’s the call on our lives. But I’m also here to remind everyone that Jesus began his movement by saying,...
by bradhuebert | Sep 30, 2013 | Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, Uncategorized, vision
All truly great stories begin with an average Joe (or Joelle) being called, often reluctantly, into something greater. Sometimes crisis thrusts change upon them. Sometimes they are invited to rise, sometimes they are coerced. In all the great stories, the inward...
by bradhuebert | Sep 23, 2013 | evangelism, Faith, Jesus Christ, Uncategorized
Eternity leaves tracks. Heaven gingerly brushes earth, painting our glades with the dew of paradise. And hell is busy too, flicking amoebic dollups of evil tar from corrupted bristles wherever beauty and light has found a home. You can taste heaven, and you can sample...
by bradhuebert | Sep 18, 2013 | Faith, geek, movies, Uncategorized
I read this on Yahoo! this morning: “Robert Pattinson isn’t naming names or pointing fingers, but he’s opening up about his unique views on forgiveness. Not long ago, the 27-year-old “Twilight” actor and Kristen Stewart were the stuff of...