by bradhuebert | Nov 18, 2013 | church, Faith, geek, movies, Uncategorized
The church doesn’t fare well in popular fiction. Think about cultural stereotypes of the church: Church is typically portrayed as hopelessly out of touch and naive—here I call Ned Flanders to the stand—or as an evil regime oppressing the rights and freedoms of...
by bradhuebert | Nov 5, 2013 | Faith, heroes, Uncategorized
In all the great stories, would be heroes must wrestle with the difference between reasons and excuses. Life is good, life rolls on—until it doesn’t. Until a crisis looms and a summons is uttered. And then we either rise into our calling or suckle our excuses....
by bradhuebert | Nov 4, 2013 | Faith, geek, geek faith tribe, Uncategorized
Hey, Geek-Faithers, have I got a treat for you. My friend and fellow geek writer Sandra Dimas just landed an exclusive interview with none other than Weird Al Yankovic! Sandra is awesome, partly because she and I share a philosophy that only the parts of us that need...
by bradhuebert | Oct 23, 2013 | Faith, Jesus Christ, theology, Uncategorized
A few days ago while driving my daughter Glory back from a soccer game, shooting the breeze like fathers and daughters do, she asked a pretty wild question: “Dad, who is the antiChrist?” Traditionally, the antiChrist is seen as an end-times figure, the...
by bradhuebert | Oct 11, 2013 | Faith, gaming, geek, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ
C.S. Lewis said we can get a fresh look at something by looking at its reflection in a mirror. Video games, even the most bizarre ones, are designed to resemble life in some way. Which means on some level, we really can get a fresh look at real life by recognizing a...