by bradhuebert | Mar 3, 2014 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized
I’ve seen God heal a whole lot of people lately, often through me and my shaky faith. To be honest, I’ve been hesitant to write about it. I think that’s partly because: I’m not sure I’m qualified to speak with any kind of authority on the...
by bradhuebert | Feb 24, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, Uncategorized
On February 10th I released my latest ebook, “Go With the Flow: A Non-Religious Approach To Your Daily Time With God.” I truly believe this little book has the power to transform your walk with God from stale to epic. I say that because that’s what...
by bradhuebert | Feb 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
When it comes to hell, I’ve heard people ask, “How can a loving, just God insist that a finite sin would require an infinite punishment?” I’ve wondered about that myself through out the years. Until I remembered: The Bible teaches that sin has a terrifying...
by bradhuebert | Feb 17, 2014 | Books, Brad Huebert, Go with the flow, Intimacy with God, prayer
I’ve been a pastor for more than twenty years, which means I know a lot of dirty little secrets. One of the big kahunas? Most Christians don’t spend regular time with God. Some call them daily devotions, or their quiet time, or maybe God time—but the...
by bradhuebert | Feb 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
In the heart wrenching season 4B premiere of The Walking Dead, we finally meet the mysterious Michonne. Her story might just save your life. I by ‘meet’ I mean the real Michonne, the suppressed soul stuffed in a closet by the ice-cold samurai. When...