It doesn’t take a whole lot of UFO research to realize there are a lot of people who believe aliens have been hanging around earth for longer than we have. My observation? You can break these folks into one of two camps, alien origin A people or alien origin B people.
Alien origin A
These folks believe human DNA is not of this world—that aliens essentially founded earth and populated it with the building blocks of life, taking a Creator role in the history of our world. Ridley Scott’s upcoming sci-fi epic Prometheus is built on the idea that a superior race “seeded” humanity on earth aeons ago and left us clues to help us find them when we came of age as a species. Essentially, we are the E.T. phoning home.
Alien origin B
These folks wouldn’t go that far, but insist that alien races have visited earth from time to time to set up camp in pivotal moments throughout our history. These beings often posed as gods (like they did in the original Stargate film) and offered their advanced technology for the building of pyramids and other marvels this world still can’t quite explain.
This group points to artwork and histories unearthed from many ancient cultures that speak of godlike beings visiting for a version of cosmic summer camp or assuming a dictatorial role for a period of time. Both groups seem to think many of our UFO sightings are just a matter of our founders checking up on us from time to time.
Origin issues
My issue with Origin A is that the theory doesn’t deal with the question of our origins at all. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, they’re right: We’re here because aliens made it happen. So where did the aliens come from? Other aliens? And what about them? All this does is serve the origins ball into someone else’s court, as if to say, “We don’t know where it all started but we’re too lazy to think it through. You figure it out.”
My major issue with Origin B is that none of these civilizations come right out and claim their gods are aliens, not even in the vernacular of their day. Most importantly, the Bible, which majors on things like origin and the meaning of life, doesn’t bring it up even once. True, the prophet Ezekiel endures a pretty messed up vision in chapter one of his book—complete with glowing intersecting wheels floating in midair— but he’s clear that this is the God of the Hebrews by the time the dust clears. In chapter two, the message the so-called “being” gives him bears this idea out.
I’m not from around here
Some people don’t want to be from earth. They want to believe they’re part of a story bigger than this little blue and green ball. They want the plot to include fantastic beings so far beyond us that it’s difficult to comprehend. And I get that. I really do.
Which is why I love being a Christ follower, because this is exactly what the Bible says is going on. In a matter of speaking. It says God created the universe and all of us… and stuck around to get to know us. He also created angels, and some of these angels fell—becoming a demonic horde bent on destroying every life on earth by any means possible. So there’s this battle going on. And then he’s set us loose in this epic story, placed us within the tale on a razor’s edge with an integral role to play. He even wrote us a book to help us find him—or rather, to help us get found by him.
And he calls us, among other things… “aliens and strangers in the world” (I Peter 2:11).
How cool is that?
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