How can you read the Bible at face value and think small?

The Bible builds audacious, radical, bold and brave faith.

On the other hand, David was on his way to deliver bag lunches to his brothers when he knocked Goliath on his can.

When it comes to “the little things,” I think the Bible would say, “There are no little things.” Not only do the little things add up, sometimes the little things are bigger than the big things.

It’s no small thing to walk through a day with your face toward God when you’re struggling with Cancer.

It’s no small thing to love on your little boys when your stress level is through the roof and you’d rather go ballistic on them.

It’s no small thing to give a child a cup of water in the name of the One who said the widow’s mite was, in actuality, huge.

Little things. Big things. Big things. Little things.

Yesterday I prayed a prayer.

A short, stupidly audacious, did-I-really-just-ask-for-that prayer. The kind of prayer only God could answer, the kind only God would answer.

It felt good.

It felt terrifying.

Now what?

Now I bring my loaves and fish, my “little things,” and lay them at Jesus’ feet every single day. I bring them to the God of the “little-big” things and the “big-little” things and remind myself that he can call twelve men from a crowd, feed 5,000 with a single lunch, and save a few billion souls with a single death on the cross.

With his hands tied behind his back, so to speak.

The Bible is full of stories where God did big stuff with little stuff.

Which is why I try to think big, pray big, and work small.


When was the last time you prayed a prayer you couldn’t answer yourself? Not even a little bit? I’d love to hear your comments.