Have you ever noticed the veil of heaven seemed to evaporate, even just slightly, to reveal something of eternal magnificence? When God’s voice was so clear that it made you stop what you were doing? When his peace washed you, when his blood cleansed you, when his Spirit used you to do something supernatural? Like Neo’s bullet time in the Matrix. The universe slows down, the world around you fades, and only what matters is left.
And have you concluded, like I often have, that what just happened was supposed to be more normal than normal normally is for you? 😉
And has your next thought been, like mine so often is, “How do I hold on to this? How can I make sure I don’t lose this clarity, let go of this passion, squander this anointing?”
Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends and allies, had the same thought on the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared around Christ, the three of them gloriously radiant. Peter’s “aha” moment? “Let’s build some booths for you guys to settle down in. Sit down and stay awhile. Scarf down some Doritos. Catch some vintage TiVo.”
Nope. The glory faded, even for Jesus.
And notice something else: This never happened again.
Because Jesus had lost something vital? Because he didn’t keep up with his devotions? Or fast enough? Or name the promises, or claim the blood?
Nope again.
Because that was that. Particular experiences aren’t meant to be normal. What’s meant to be normal are bouquets populated by experiences of all shapes and sizes. Not all moments are created equal, and it’s a waste of time to say it ain’t so. Take my word for it: the best thing to do when God parts the heavens?
Thank him. Ask him to help you learn from it. Enjoy it. Live in surrendered anticipation for what happens next. If you still think you’re meant to hang on to it all, let me put it this way:
Make a list of every moment you ever learned something profound from the Holy Spirit, every experience when something of the kingdom manifested itself. Seriously. Take a few minutes to brainstorm.
Got it?
Now imagine keeping all of it live at the front of your mind simultaneously, continually—and peacefully. Also imagine God being disappointed with you for not doing the impossible.
Yeah, no.
The fact is, there will be moments when God’s voice is clearer than others, when our worship is more passionate, when our work is more anointed, when our prayers are more fervent, when the Bible seems more alive, when our patience is unlimited, when our joy knows no bounds, when the peace of God guards our hearts and minds, when people we’re reaching out to fall to the feet of Jesus in surrender and the angels sing for joy.
But not all at once, or even on the same day.
Think about it.
This is beautiful and most encouraging today, Brad. Thank you!
You’re welcome. May God drench you with something good today, and may you have the eyes to see it. 🙂