Today I thought I’d introduce you to my websites.
1. Presence. Voice. Touch.
This was originally titled “how to hear God speaking,” and eventually became what is still number one or two on Google if you type in “how to hear God” or “How to hear God speaking.” Over time, though, I realized my passion was to help people connect with God’s presence and touch as well. This site is full of great resources—writing and podcasts—to help you do just that.
2. CHASM (or, Christians And Social Media).
This site is fairly new, and emerged as I wrote an article on the topic for a denominational magazine (which will appear in print in November, I think). It’s designed to be a basic introduction to the world of online social media. I’ve collected videos, articles, and other resources that help inform people who are trying to make sense of this crazy trend—all the way from people who are experimenting a little bit with social media (like this blog) to the grandma who wants to get her weary brain around what her grandson is up to these days.
3. Finding Home.
This is the homepage for Finding Home: A Parable of Kingdom Life, a subversive parable I released a year and a half ago. If you’re tired of religious routines that seem to rob you of a vital life with Christ instead of delivering the goods you’re longing for, this is the book for you. I’m even giving the ebook away free to anyone who wants it!
4. Beloved.
Beloved is my most recent book, an amazing look at the Bible in the form of a fairy tale. This site is the main page for that book. At only $2.99 for the ebook, you really can’t go wrong!
Well, that’s the virtual me in a binary nutshell. Be sure to stop by my sites and have a look, and God bless! You are loved.