This August I’ll be preaching a series called “A Big Life.” I’ll be exploring the premise that the size of a life is determined not so much by how famous a person gets, but by how we deal with three crippling sins: Fear, selfishness, and pride. The idea is that each of these sins put very real walls between us and the life God designed us to live.

Fear puts a ceiling on how high we can grow by capping our dreams with pessimism and preventing us from taking faith risks.

Selfishness puts walls on how broad our life can venture beyond our own needs and desires by reducing life to two anemic letters: ME.

Pride puts a bedrock between us and how deep we can go with God and prevents us from depending on him fully for supernatural power that could help us transcend our own limitations.

What about you? How have your struggles with fear, selfishness, or pride kept your life from becoming all it could be?