How do you feed yourself spiritually?
A few nights ago at our Life Group a friend pointed out that most of us see “feeding” in terms of things like prayer, Bible Study, sermons, etc. In other words, getting something. Jesus said, “My food… is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:34).
I’m not saying there’s no merit in spending time with God in prayer and Bible study or taking in a sermon or five. I’m saying in this case at least, Jesus was pointing to something radically different.
The past few weeks have been good ones, but really tiring. I’m hanging on, winded and more than ready for a good vacation in July. In the meantime, I’ve been careful to tend my soul, to do some of the things that feed me, fill me up. Spending time with God. Hiking. Painting. Doing things that feed me.
Jesus has been asking me lately, what about giving the things that feed you?
And then, just last night, it happened. We were spending time with two wonderful couples and I sensed the Father at work in our conversation. I saw what I was supposed to do, to say, to give to that conversation. And I went for it. I could tell right away, something changed, something good happened.
And I was fed. It felt so good to be used by God, to know that I’d found his groove, joined him in his work, done my part. Our partnership invigorated me.
It’s almost like, most things are tiring—but when you’re yoked to Jesus, the burden is light. Hey, wait… he said that too.
Here’s a thought: When we spend ourselves spiritually, it may just be that beyond our much needed quality time with Jesus, there are parts of us that will remain emaciated, hungry and deprived until we give what restores us.
Love these thoughts! God has been sharing the same with me! It’s challenging, but soooo good!