This morning I packed myself a picnic lunch and drove off to Big Hill Springs, about a forty minute drive. It’s a utopian set of smallish cascading falls set into a thick valley stuffed with greenery. Gorgeous.
THe other day I asked God what was wrong with my heart and he said that I needed to fill it with images of glory. I began reading John 1, where Jesus is introduced: In him was life, and this life was the light of humanity. The darkness couldn’t comprehend it. And as he came into the world, he gave light to all who would receive him. Life to all who would receive him. Grace and truth. Life. And my soul began to drink in the glory of it all.
Today at Big Hill, the glory came through nature: Crystaline falls, ripe vegetation, blackened rock. I snapped a few pictures in my attempt to drink in the springs. They literally come “out of nowhere, bubbling straight out of the rock somewhere up in the secret side of the valley.
It reminds me of Jesus’ promise, that those who believe in him will have a spring of living water, bubbling up from within them. Pure. Refreshing. Endless. Within me.
Each image of true beauty, of glory, restores something broken in me. Fills me. Completes me. Points me to God.