Lately I’ve been experiencing a refreshing renewal in my walk with God. Funny thing about renewal, though—it implies a stagnation (or worse) before it. It implies I was missing the boat.
“Outwardly, we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” That’s Paul’s mantra. Ours… is usually a bit different.
“Inwardly, I’m falling apart—but outwardly, life is moving right along.”
My biceps are bulging, we might say.
Or, my tummy is tucking.
My abs are crunching.
My car is shiny.
My latte is steaming.
My job keeps me busy.
My mortgage is getting paid.
The kids’ have designer clothes and iPods to match.
I’m able to put a brave face on.
But inwardly, we wonder if any of it matters.
My heart is wilting, many would confess.
My passion is withering.
My faith is shrinking.
My prayers are faltering.
My union with Jesus is non-existent.
My marriage is on empty.
My kids are growing up and I’m losing my grip on what they need from me.
If I stop moving, I think I’ll panic, or crash and burn.
The outward is easier to manage. The surface. The inward is terrifying. Revealing.
It’s where grace collides with need.
What about you? Which mantra do you resonate with right now?
“Outwardly, we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Or, “Inwardly, I’m falling apart—but outwardly, life is moving right along.”
Renewal begins with laying it all out before God. Admitting. Confessing. Pouring out. Receiving.
Oh Jesus, take us there!