by bradhuebert | Feb 20, 2012 | Faith, Intimacy with God, Jesus Christ, Presence of God, spiritual growth I’d love to hear your thoughts—how this video struck you, stuff you’ve learned about abiding in Christ, etc. Have a great day.
by bradhuebert | Jan 13, 2012 | evaluation, Faith, spiritual growth
My youngest son, Joel (ten years old), grounded out yesterday. I found him holed up in the basement gunning down grunts on Halo reach. He’d already eaten up his daily gaming allotment, so I made the call: “You’re done, buddy. Turn it off.” He...
by bradhuebert | Jan 3, 2012 | evaluation, Faith, spiritual growth
“Celebrate New Year’s when you want to, and as often as you choose. They’re your resolutions, not ours.” So says a blogging Seth Godin recently. I’m taking his advice to heart. Today, January 3rd, is New Year’s Eve. Starting...
by bradhuebert | Dec 31, 2011 | Faith, marriage, parenting, relationships, spiritual growth
The older I get, the more courage is required of me. Have you noticed that? What scared the pants off you earlier in life seems laughable now compared to what you’re facing today. It reminds me of how jarring the arrival of our first child was. Our whole world...
by bradhuebert | Dec 28, 2011 | community, evaluation, spiritual growth
In the new year, armed with resolutions aplenty, many Christians will begin meeting with an accountability group. The theory is sound: Meet weekly with a few same sex friends, ask each other tough questions, hold each other accountable, pray for each other. Sounds...
by bradhuebert | Nov 22, 2011 | church, evaluation, Faith, Leadership, spiritual growth, vision
This fall a whole lot more people have been hanging around our church on Sunday mornings. It’s been amazing to watch the excitement build around what God is doing here. On paper, our average weekly attendance has grown about twenty percent in the last fifteen...