Okay, so here’s the deal: Check out the bradhuebert.com banner graphic, shown above.
There are sixteen geekish references to books, movies, and TV shows hidden in that picture (cue epic soundtrack).
Successfully list all sixteen references before anyone else does, and you’ll win a $15 iTunes gift card.
Oh, and also the white-knuckled respect of the entire geekster community. This is your moment.
Record your guesses as a comment below. If you’re first, it won’t matter that others see what you wrote. On the other hand, feel free to use other people’s comments to complete your list as needed.
I’ll announce the winner when we have one (and we can exchange emails when the time comes). If no one guesses them all, I’ll go with the geek who guesses the most. Beware: two of these visual references are gonna be tough to crack.
Do you have what it takes?
Do ya?
I can only pick up three of four, but I’ve got to say–the blue box makes my heart go pitter-pat. Netflix is a wonderful thing for getting my British sci-fi fix. 🙂
Oops, make that three OR four. I really need to learn to proofread before hitting submit.
Might as well list the ones you have, you’re currently winning. 🙂
Okay, but I have friends that could easily blow me out of the water on this. I’ll have to share it to FB. Blue box is from Doctor Who (my current time-sucker on Netflix). The glowing disk on the left is the deflector dish from the Star Trek Enterprise. I see an autobot symbol from Transformers. I think the creepy silver skull thing is from Terminator. And there’s the blue Stargate… Does this give me a few Geek points?
Okay, so here’s where we stand:
1. Dr. Who, Tardis… Correct.
2. Autobot symbol… Correct.
3. Terminator… Correct.
4. Stargate… correct.
5. The blue disk on the left…deflector dish… incorrect.
But way to go, Karen. You totally get geek points!
Ok here I go!
I think I know most, but there are a few I am not sure on!
1. Serenity from Firefly top left
2. The iron throne from Game of Thrones bottom left?
3. Matrix code in background left
4. Skyrim sigil from the Elder Scrolls V below Serenity
5. Ironman’s energy core below Serenity?
6. 300 silhouette middle
7. Matrix pods above middle?
8. Guy from Walking Dead middle right
9. Stargate Atlantis
10. Millenium Falcon above right
11. Alien from Alien top right
12. Autobot symbol right
13.Dove from John Woo films??
14 Terminator bottom right
15. Doctor Who, Tardis
16. Is that Spiderman’s suit I see in the middle?
Impressive, young padawan. 🙂
Two mistakes have you made: #7 and #13. Beyond these errors, correct you are.
Hmm, now i am rightly stumped. These must be the two tough ones you warned us about! Let’s see, the one certainly looks like the doves from john woo, blade runner etc. but there are two marks on it’s wing, maybe two bullet holes? I wonder if they are significant?
The image in the top middle is also very cryptic. Looks to me like an amber coloured pod of some sort on a mossy tree branch. Hmmm
I’ll say this: One of the other commenters got one you missed. And there are no pods involved in the other one. 🙂
Hmm, is that the bird from the hunger games maybe?
Ok, here we go:
Serenity (Firefly)
Millenium Falcon (Star Wars)
Tardis (Dr. Who)
Autobot Symbol (Transformers)
Sheriff from Walking Dead?? (Total guess)
Matrix Code
Bottom of District 9 Spacecraft?
Dove (Any John Woo film)?
Oooh, only 11 and some of those are guesses. Best I can do at this point.
Bottom of District 9 Spacecraft: False.
Dove: False.
Other than that, you rocked it, bro!
When it comes to the bird, think recent.
When it comes to the background, think otherworldly.
I guessing someone got that it was the Mocking Jay from the third Hunger games book. But as for the last one, is it a floating island from the movie: Avatar?
Congrats, Jeremie! You win the final iTunes gift card.