Before I get started, let’s define an apocalypse—a revelation of truth that ends the world as you know it. Over the years, I’ve had many personal apocalypses. Here are ten of them, in no particular order. I hope they shake you like they did me.
1. Christ followers do not seek or chase God.
2. Mature Christ followers are not hungry and thirsty for God.
3. Reading the Bible doesn’t guarantee you’re hearing God’s voice.
4. Christ followers are not supposed to fight the devil.
5. The only way to defeat sin… is to die.
6. Often, feeding yourself spiritually has nothing to do with prayer and Bible study.
7. The key to effective ministry is not prayer.
8. When it comes to the Kingdom of God, numbers DO matter.
9. The real reason most churches in North America aren’t growing is…
10. The Great Commission may not be for you. Not the sarcasm.
Enjoy… or not.