When was the last time God blew your mind?
When was the last time he revealed something that made you want to sit down?
When was the last time you saw something in scripture that overturned the tables in your inner temple?
When was the last time you learned a lesson that made you say, out loud no less, “This is big. This could change everything.”?
When was the last time God answered a prayer with such flare that it caused you to ask, “Did that just really happen?”
When was the last time you got caught up in a real, live “God thing” that kept you up at nights?
When was the last time God put a burden on you, a passion that energized you and turned you to jell-o at the same time?
When was the last time God turned the tables on you so brilliantly that you had to laugh out loud at the hilarity of it all?
When was the last time you saw yourself—like, the real you, totally exposed and flawed, so raw and unphotoshopped that you wanted nothing more than to be able to look away, but couldn’t?
When was the last time you stepped out in faith so audacious, so crazy-stupid and “out there” that it made a holy pretzel outta your innards?
When was the last time someone who loves you had to make sure you were hearing God right because the direction you’re headed seemed a tad irrational?
When was the last time you looked a practical matter of obedience to God in the eye and realized, “This is gonna hurt.”
When was the last time you felt that glorious free-fall feeling you get when you could care less what people think and start living free of the peanut gallery?
When was the last time God looked so big that you felt really small?
When was the last time you screamed and bucked at the concept of hell and then collapsed in a surrendered heap because of what the eternal ramifications are for actual people all around you?
When was the last time you had a personal apocalypse—a revelation of truth that ended the world as you knew it?
Just askin.’
Great questions, Brad. Love the new look of the site too!